Big business has embraced using mobile marketing but many local businesses have yet to do so and may be missing out on influencing their customers. Coca Cola made mobile the core of their summer digital marketing. Are you ahead of the crowd or behind the crowd when it comes to mobile marketing? Experts predict that by 2018 more than fifty percent of marketing budgets will be designated for mobile marketing. For you to remain relevant you need to integrate your overall communications and marketing tactics with mobile marketing. Remember mobility guides the customer’s experience with content and your brand 24/7.
For small business one of the first strategies to implement is an optimized website. This doesn’t mean that if you can pull your site up on a smartphone that it is optimized. A website that has been optimized will received an average of 6.5 visits and one that is not 3.5 visits.
Some are predicting that mobile phones will beat out desktop as the primary web access device by the end of 2013. Make certain that your business can be found.
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