Recently I posted a question in Linkedin Answers and I thought I would share the responses with you.
What has been the most successful marketing strategy you have implemented this year? What is the strategy and why was it so successful?
I ask this question because I believe many business owners may have had to shift their marketing strategies over the last 18 months.  I know in my own business I was not getting the same results I had in the past from my marketing activities and I had to be prepared to make adjustments.

Linkedin Answers received…

The Best Answer–Maria Marsala’s Answer: Charging to speak — even to networking groups. Only speaking to groups whose majority of members are my ideal clients.  Then follow up.   Of course, I have a one page business plan 🙂 that I’m using and an Ideal client profile I created, too.
Steven Settle:  Incorporating social media (blog, twitter, and of course linkedin). I am working on a proposal right now for a strong lead generated by participation in linkedin Q&A!
Heather White: The Monday Morning Memo: Using YouTube as a video blog to speak to the whole company. Reminders, birthdays and business tips make up this 4 minute video which is widely watched within the organization.
Christine Hueber: Increasing my online visibility here, on my blog and cultivating my existing network.
Dave Maskin: My marketing plans utilizing social media in more ways than one to acquire some new clients… Each new client is a success…
Brian Hartman: Making sure that my Social Media clients are giving away great content that is valuable info to the masses in return for building relationships by opening the lines of communication with potential prospects. they need to always be opening!!!
Cherry Rahtu: Inbound marketing strategy works the best for me so far, it’s a online marketing strategy that turn a website to a marketing magnet that pull the potential customers from the web,using tools like search engine,blog and social media.
The reason why it is good is that, it’s a closed loop marketing strategy from getting website traffic to converting visitors to customers, I don’t believe a website can be successful using one single tactics like SEO, or solely social media.
Now in complete transparency some of these answers are from professionals who are selling the type of marketing they recommend.  Now that is okay I would expect no less from a good business owner.  But what it does not do is give a honest perspective as to whether they received business from the activity.  What I am saying is that you have to test and measure each strategy you use and determine if it is the ideal strategy for you.
For myself, this year I have been much more active in my local market place.  Using face to face networking as an active marketing strategy.  For me it has been successful but it is not for everyone.  Choose a marketing strategy that works for you and do it consistently.  Because the consistency is the key to success.
Oh and by the way, Linkedin Answers can be an excellent tool to get exposure to your target market and share your expertise.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
