I went to vote today and I was thrilled to see the number of folks that showed up.  I waited an hour and fifteen minutes which is really not too bad.  As I stood in line and listened to all of the conversations going on around me I was saddened by the tone and discussions.  Most people are focused on what is going wrong in the country and their own private worlds.  People talking about being out of work, worried about health care and the state of our economy.  As I stood there I was inspired and feeling good about what is going on.  I have never seen a line at the location where I vote, there was such a mix of age groups represented.  I found all of this to be a good thing.  We have become too lazy as a nation and we have taken our freedoms for granted.  I believe we all create our own realities.  I am not saying that many are not facing challenges today.  I believe we are all being tested.  But I also believe we have a choice in how we respond to those challenges.
This afternoon when I opened my email one of my messages was from Yanik Silver and I thought one line in his email was at the foundation of my own beliefs.
“Election Day is the perfect day to claim your own independence and write your own ticket!”
I want to challenge you to claim your commitment to your own success, today!  We are making history today at the poles no matter what the outcome.  That is exciting.  We have so much to be grateful for as we are truly blessed in this country.  Decide right now that you are going to create the success you deserve and take the steps necessary to make it a reality.  Start right now preparing for a fabulous 2009.  Search out the support and resources you need to put yourself on a path of success.  Today is the day to begin.
One of the most proven methods for great success is through taking advantage of the power of a MasterMind group.  If you have read Think and Grow Rich then you know that Napoleon Hill believed the MasterMind is an incredible resource.  I would like to invite you to check out my MasterMind program I think you will be blown away by the value.
Claim your independence today!

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
