Building Rapport in the Sales Process
Many solo business owners don’t want to think about selling nor do they want a prospect to think that they are selling.  This has much to do with their view of selling, because selling is an inside job.  The fact is selling is at the center of every business transaction.  It is important solo business owners develop their own sales process so that you have a process to measure and tweak to get better results.
Developing and practicing a personal sales process will give the business owner confidence when they are speaking with a prospect.
Any system of selling will be easy if you follow this process.
1.  Gain Rapport
2.  Identify Needs
3.  Explain how features and benefits will satisfy those needs
4.  Validate – Prove your claims
5.  Negotiation – work out any concerns
6.  Ask for the business
While in the gaining rapport, part of the sales process, be mindful that listening must be 80% of the time and talking only 20%.  Find common ground to connect emotionally.  Using the acronym F.O.R.D. helps in finding the common ground.  Ask questions around Family, Occupation, Recreation and Dreams.
Practice the following and watch the impact it has on prospects.
1.  Tune out the world and tune into them.
2.  Put them at ease and make them feel important.
3.  Get them talking about themselves.
4.  Maintain eye contact and listen to how they feel.
Do not begin telling, selling or demonstrating until rapport is developed.  Stay present.
Every business owner must have a sales process that can be practiced until internalized so that it can then be personalized for anyone they are speaking with.
Next post I will focus on Engaging through identifying their needs.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
