One of the biggest challenges for any business is navigating the process from lead to contact to first-time customer to regular customer. The challenge is even greater for solopreneurs. Having to deal with every aspect of the business can sometimes distract and overwhelm anyone. And even more so when trying to build a business online. Whether you’re posting a new blog entry or sending emails sometimes it seems like you’re all alone and you wonder if anybody even knows you’re there! And google+ is a tool you can use to find and make those connections–often with instant feedback and results. (You might also want to visit Facts About Google+ Pages )
Like Facebook and other social media tools, google+ allows you to find and interact with other people. For example, if you sell handcrafted animal hats, you can do a search for frog collectors or bird enthusiasts and create a circle of prospects for each. You can share photos of your hats or learn about subtle differences between different types of birds. You can connect with other solopreneurs in your niche and learn from one another.
One important feature is “hangouts”–you can have a real-time group discussion with a group of people. Brainstorming sessions, marketing focus groups, and informative workshops just got a whole lot easier!
While it’s certainly possible to target prospects with overt sales messages (and there will probably be more than a few marketers who try it), the real success stories will be the businesses who follow the age-old formula of building relationships and providing value. And that has always been a key competitive edge for small and home-based businesses.
When you have a good product, at a reasonable price, your satisfied customers will do a lot of the advertising for you! You can add a Plus One Button to your website to make it one-click simple for your readers to share your site with their contacts.  And when you create your business page you can grow your audience by making it easy for people to find and recommend your page. Place the Google+ badge or a small code snippet on your site.  This also allows Google to know you are playing in their sandbox.
Social media is hot! Many solopreneurs are finding that tools like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest can really ramp up their visibility in a crowded market. And google+ is built to take social media marketing to the next level. Learning to use social meda marketing effectively can take your online business to the next level, too!

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
