I was reading an email today that was about all of the content that is available to us everyday. In print, online, in our inboxes. It reminded me that as solopreneurs we are bombarded with this information. We are told about all of the things we should be doing in our businesses. Write a blog, get involved in social media, provide great customer service, send emails, write auto responders, etc, etc, etc.
I thought it would be easier if we focused on the One thing. What ONE THING could you do this week that would help to move your business forward or just keep it on track.
For example what one thing could you do this week to improve your lead generation by just 10% in the next 90 days. Think about how simple this can be. If you are adding 10 prospects per month into your marketing funnel then you only need to increase that by One more per month in the next 90 days.
Forget about that piece you just read that gave you the top 20 things you can do to improve your traffic to your blog. As business owners when you read that list often you attempt none of them because it is overwhelming.
You are doing things today that are working for you, so take one thing and just improve it 10%. By giving ourselves permission to focus on just one thing we can accomplish more and feel better about ourselves and our businesses.
Share with us below WHAT ONE THING will you attempt this week to improve just one of your business processes.
“If you have not consciously made the decision to be rich, excellent, and healthy, then you have unconsciously made the decision to be poor, mediocre, and unhealthy.”
~ Wallace D. Wattles ~