Schema is a coding language or structured data vocabulary to help ensure search engines comprehend different elements on your website. This enables you to provide informative elements such as rich snippets for SERPS. Schema allows you to improve SEO by identifying:

  • Entities
  • Actions
  • Emails
  • Webpage relationships

You have most likely viewed search results offering direct links and ratings. This is the result of schema enabling more information to be displayed by Google in addition to the title. Snippets provide more information to users conducting searches to ensure the results stand out and are enticing. One of the WordPress free plugins with everything necessary for rich snippets and schema markup is WP SEO Structured Data Schema.

History of Schema

Leading companies including Google, Microsoft and Pinterest founded in 2011. The goal of the organization is the promotion of structured data for a better understanding of website content. The result is a better user experience and promotion of online services. This is a flexible vocabulary as opposed to an official coding language applicable for numerous environments including:

  • Microdata
  • RDFa

Schema helps Google understand your website, enhances search results and helps improve SEO. Schema works exceptionally well with Schema and powers approximately 60 percent of the internet.

Structured Data

Structured data allows predefined models to be used by digital platforms for reading, documenting and displaying information. Platforms and websites can then pair symbols with certain values. Special pieces of code called crawlers are used by Google for reading and indexing your site. Schema alters the indexing of your web pages and the structured data.
Your actual content meaning is transmitted as opposed to explaining what your website is about to the search engine. The search engine can then provide more relevant results and additional information.

Types of Schema

The different schema types offer flexibility for displaying snippets. The impact of the individual pieces of code must be understood before a specific markup is implemented. The proper implementation provides the search engines with an improved understanding of your site, but an incorrect piece of code confuses them. The most frequently used types of schema include:

  • Intangible
  • Creative Work
  • Place
  • Medical Entity
  • Person
  • Action
  • Product
  • Organization
  • Event

Analyzing the markups allows search engines to understand your site to display the most appropriate snippets for searches.

Implementing Schema

Snippets help improve visibility and rankings while delivering more accurate results. Informative snippets attract attention and often improve individual search results. Users see more overall data, images and headlines during a search depending on how you added the structured data. You can use the Structured Data Markup Helper tools from Google to simplify the process, but HTLM code must be added manually.
The markup placement is dependent on whether you are using RDFa, microdata or JSON-LD. Tools for schema creation generally provide a standard interface suitable for all three. Three tools are important for implementing schema. These are:

1) Testing Tools

Tools are available for testing and analyzing your website to ensure you are proceeding correctly and adding the markup code in the right places. Testing tools analyze your site, then show errors or warnings when there is an issue.

2) Schema Generators

There is a wide range of schema generators, but the coding language of your website is important. If you do not have a lot of technical experience, the interactive interface of Google’s Markup Helper may be ideal. Third-party tools are also available but make certain the software provider is reliable or you can compromise site security and slow down your site.

3) Additional Resources

Additional resources are available at no cost to improve your implementation including tutorials and how-to guides.

Benefits of Schema

Using structured data results in a better user experience and a more organized site. Consumers expect platforms like Google to provide high-quality, relevant information. Schema helps them read and understand the website content more effectively. provides dynamic solutions suitable for numerous industries. Conversions can be improved with informative descriptions and better headlines or by highlighting:

  • Common business activities
  • Places
  • Products
  • Events

You can name your event, set the place and mention important attendees as opposed to just listing categories. The additional benefits include:

1) Improved Categorization

Search engines must understand the content of website pages to offer the best results for queries. Your pages must be structured correctly for crawlers to be effective or your pages will not appear for relevant searches. Implementing schema improves the conversation with Google to make certain your pages are categorized properly. Different labels enable crawlers to understand the meaning of the words for the most accurate query results.

Potentially Higher Rankings

Schema can help improve your position with the SERPs because you have a better chance of appearing for relevant queries. Google considers numerous metrics before calculating your position including time spent on your site and user engagement levels. These metrics increase your potential of appearing in the top positions. Relevant descriptions and snippets attract users interested in your products and services to decrease your bounce rate and improve engagement.

Increased Visibility

Schema can improve your visibility. When users search for information, they read the description and title for every website to ensure the most relevant results. Platforms including Google use schema to build better descriptions and titles more appropriate for the user. Snippets help your website stand put by showing:

  • Text from specific pages
  • Images
  • Review ratings
  • Content from your site

Preparing for Future Changes

The future of digital marketing will be shaped by technology trends. You can stay ahead with structured data. Semantic vocabulary is being used all over the world by numerous consumers. Platforms including Google are encouraging the implementation of structured data because it can change the industry of online marketing. Using structured data will prepare your site and content for the future. Semantics is one of the language branches focusing on the meaning behind the words.
Semantic searches take into account users are interested in ideas, not just keywords. Your pages need to approach topics holistically as opposed to using specific keywords. Users have a better experience because they receive additional answers per query. This eliminates the need to continue looking for more information. Structured data is essential for longer articles because Google receives additional context. Crawlers understand the concept to ensure more semantic knowledge for the user.

Tips to Implement Schema Successfully

To help ensure schema is successfully implemented, the following tips should be considered.

1) Find the Most Popular Schemas

You can choose from hundreds of markups and nearly unlimited combinations. Prior to deciding which schemas to implement, take a moment to determine the most popular. This is a good option to ensure your markups have a better chance of providing your desired results. You can also save time regarding initial optimization. Navigate to to review the list of potential markups.
The Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool from Google is a good option to determine which schema types are the most popular. Looks for options not used by neighboring cities or your competitors to ensure you are the first company in your area using the schema.

2) Including as Much Content as Possible

You add markups to all individual content on all pages. The more pages and content structured, the better Google will understand your site. This means you will be placed in the proper category. Using maximum markups ensures the description appearing on the results page is more attractive and improves content credibility. You can create a plan to eventually cover every page while prioritizing the most important.

3) Determining the Schema Offering the Most Value

Create a list of the popular schemas used by your competitors to determine which type offers the most value. The relevance can be determined according to the products and services. Schemas can be used for selling physical goods or showcasing effective solutions. You can also use schemas on specific pages to increase your visibility.
You can capitalize on schemas if you have good reviews, offer specific features or make online bookings. Once your main schemas have been selected, look at the entire list to determine which ones can effectively increase audience engagement to help ensure the best results.

The Bottom Line

Schema markup is about helping Google understand your website to provide relevant and engaging content for queries and to improve SEO. Using rich snippets can improve your engagement, increase conversions and reach new customers.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
