My 2010 was really pretty incredible. I am an eternal optimist and believe every experience is there to help me move into the future in a positive way, even if the experience didn’t feel positive at the time. I hope that makes sense when you read it. I expanded my business relationships, I expanded my business offerings, which helped to me see that some of my infrastructure needed shoring up. And this from the systems and foundation gal. I was reminded often that I must learn to let go and let others. And I got better, but I could do better still. I was and probably always will be impressed by my three sons (a mother’s prerogative).
I wanted to share with you the perspective that Google produced on What did 2010 Look Like! I would love to hear your comments. This was a year filled with joys and tribulations across the world. I choose to believe all of those experiences help us to become better.
What Did 2010 Look Like for You? Now What will you design for 2011?
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