When you are a solopreneur, you need to know what to do to help your company remain stable or even grow during the COVID-19 crisis. As you look for ways to help your company survive, you should try to expand your company, refine much of what you do, and improve on services that you currently use. For most of us we have more time on our hands at this moment. The five steps below will quite literally change your life if you are willing to follow through with each one.


Step 1: Send A Survey To Your Customers

You need to know what your customers want and need during this difficult time. You are not necessarily asking your customers how they will continue to do business with you. What you are asking is what they need, something that you might be able to provide now and when things are semi normal. Many solopreneurs have changed the products they offer, or they have added to their products or services to make money.

You can use these surveys to offer discounts where they are needed, and you can even send gifts to customers who truly need help. You may have customers who ask for donations to local charities, or you might partner with customers who run charities. You should try to be openminded, and you can also understand how many customers are willing to continue to do business with you if not now then when we get back to work.

Once you understand what your customers need then figure out how you can offer it at no cost, a checklist, white paper, cheat sheet that can be delivered as a pdf, video, audio file something you can also offer your prospects the same info in exchange for their email address. This will allow you to build a relationship now and help them to buy from you in the future.


Step 2: Answer Customers Questions With A New FAQ Resource

When you know that your customers have questions about how to work with your business, you should write an FAQ that helps your customers understand what you can do for them. Your customers can learn quite a lot from these documents, and you should try to answer every question you have gotten on one page. You can link to this page on your website, and you should send an email to your customers telling them that you have answered their questions. This is an important part of growing your business because it is the only way to show your customers that you are thinking of what do to because of the coronavirus. These FAQ’s could easily be done as quick videos keeping you top of mind.

As you answer these questions, you may get more questions from your customers. You should add extra questions to your FAQ document as soon as possible. It is very easy for you to get the results that you need, but you cannot improve your communication with customers if you are not adding to the document.

You should send out a new email to customers every time you make changes to the FAQ document. If you think the question deserves its own email, you should send an email addressing a very important question.


Step 3: Sign up for a CRM to Manage Your Automated Marketing

This is the time to build your marketing campaigns that you have not had the time to do in the past because you were busy.

When you are signing up for a CRM, you can use automated marketing to send emails to your prospects and customers to educate your audience, build a relationship and stay top of mind. You can even send your customers special deals that they can take advantage of during this difficult time.

For example, www.solopreneursolutions.com is offering two months free and then when we are back to work half price for 6 more months $49.00 per month. Once signed up you will be invited to two free weekly trainings intended to hold your hand and help you build out your marketing campaings. When you use a service like this, you can engage with more customers who might need to be your products or use your services. If you do not use a service like this, it is difficult to engage with your customers because you have so many other things that you need to deal with.

Sign up here for the free two months

You can continue to use automated marketing to send emails for contests, post to social media, and let your customers know when conditions change. Your customers need to know if your stores will open, if your prices are returning to normal, and if certain items are back in stock. You do not have time to write the emails on your own, but you can use the CRM to send all these messages to customers.


Step 4: Build a Landing Page Offering the Item Discussed in Step 1

You can build a landing page for your website that will help to convert visitors into subscribers. This allows you to send them automated messaging and move them through your sales funnel.

Your landing page should contain a form for gathering contact details with no other distractions.

Understanding your buyer personas will make it easier to develop an offer and then build out your landing page to offer them a solution to their problem.


Step 5: Write your Automated Messages

When you are using automated messages to reply to your customers via email, voice mail or text, you must compose a message that makes your customers feel at ease. You can write something that explains the situation, gives your customers options, and helps them take the next step in doing business with you.

The buyers process can be broken into three different stages: the awareness stage, the consideration stage, and the decision stage. Different types of content should be created for each specific stage of the journey to help people move from one stage to another. As you collect contact info and see where prospects are taking action you can update and tweak your messaging to give you better results.



These five steps will help you deal with the COVID-19 crisis as a solopreneur. You can use these tips to rejuvenate your business, communicate with your clients, and give customers the information they need. You can work with a CRM provider that will automate much of your marketing, and you should ask these companies to provide you with social media assistance at the same time. You can shift your message and FAQs as the situation improves, and you will keep many of your customers because they know that you care about their situation.


About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
