Now that you have identified your target market and determined your niche it is time to nail down exactly what you do. I know you are a therapist, designer or coach but that is not what you do that is a title. I want you to identify exactly step-by-step how you uniquely solve the problems of your target market.

PC Magazines Encyclopedia Definition of: system development methodology
The formal documentation for the phases of the system development cycle. It defines the precise objectives for each phase and the results required from a phase before the next one can begin. It may include specialized forms for preparing the documentation describing each phase.

They may intend this definition for computer technicians but it also applies to you the solopreneur.
Have you defined your method (system) for delivering your services? Project management methodology explained in the article
This is the explanation they provide:  Here’s the outline for a one-page document:
Title of process
First sentence: Briefly tell what the process is for.
Second sentence: Briefly tell who the process applies to and when the process is used.
Rest of the document (5-10 sentences) This is a description of the process, in plain English, either as a bulleted list of steps, or spelled out in sentences. It does not need to include a bunch of contingencies—just a basic outline of the process.

The dictionary definition of “process” is “a pre-defined procedure.” Same as “methodology,” this meaning addresses a class of activities called “tasks.”

I would like you to think of it as steps in your process. Kind of like: we do this____ And the outcome is this____ and the benefit to the client is this____. If you can do that for each step of your process you will have hit a homerun.
As consumers we like to buy systems. Like Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revisedblank by Napoleon Hill and if you have read that book you will recognize that he introduces you to a system for success to follow. The same applies to Integrity Selling for the 21st Century: How to Sell the Way People Want to Buyblank by Ron Willingham he sells you a system ITEGRITY for creating a sales process.
If you had to write a book about your system what would you name each chapter? How would you describe those steps? The more detailed you can be the better. It will help you to help your prospects see the benefits of working with you. And with a clear process you will close more sales. Wouldn’t it be nice to earn more from the same amount of time you are investing now?
This is a very important part of your business take the time to create your process.  The added benefit will be the confidence it will instill in you. Think about how easy it will be to sell (share your system) to a prospect when you have identified it for yourself.  Your process will grow as your business does, it is not written in stone.
Want help in creating the process? Join Roadmap to Business Growth

“A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart.” anonymous

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
