Your social media engagement is an important metric to track and improve. These tips will help you create engaging and brand-aligned engagement strategies.

Are you struggling with social media engagement? Unfortunately, you’re not alone. Many business owners today are also struggling to increase their social media engagement.

Keep in mind that social media interaction and engagement go beyond the number of likes you get on your posts. You can measure the engagement based on the time visitors spend on your page and their suggestions and comments on specific posts. This type of interaction will determine whether your visitors will purchase from you or not.

It also determines whether they recommend your products or services to their friends, family, and loved ones. While there are many tools to monitor social media engagement today, it’s essential to know how to use the information you get from these tools.

Below are tips to help you increase your social media engagement:

Determine Your Goals

The first step is determining your social media engagement goals. What are you trying to achieve on social media? There are multiple social media platforms for businesses to utilize today.

Hence, it can be tempting to try all platforms at once. Unfortunately, this is a mistake that will likely cost you thousands of dollars. Take your time and study different platforms before settling on one. Your customers are probably only using one or two of those platforms.

This means you will be dividing your effort on ten or 15 social media platforms instead of focusing on the two most important ones. Start by assessing your business’s bottom line and figure out how social media can help you achieve it. 

Are you starting a new business, launching a new product, or expanding your existing operation in a new area? Is the company’s core objective building a community of clients or increasing sales? Start by determining your objectives and putting them down on paper.

Define Your Target Customer

After determining your business objectives, the next step is figuring out who your target audience is. Who are you trying to reach on social media? Use your business goals and objectives to know more about your target audience.

Based on the products and services you sell, who are likely to purchase from you? Are these people on social media? If they are, which social media platforms do they use?

Understanding your target audience is the first step to knowing the right social media platform for your business. Whether you’re targeting existing customers or trying to expand your customer base, you need to know who they are.

Consider the customer’s buying journey. Facebook and Twitter are popular platforms for people to research more about a product and service before buying. On other visual-based platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram, customers check out product pictures and buy what they like.

Today, most businesses also use live streaming platforms such as TikTok to build a loyal community of live stream shoppers. In 2020, live streaming fuelled business sales of over $5.6 billion. This figure is estimated to grow to $26 billion by the end of 2023.

Choose the Most Valuable Analytics

Any business selling their products and marketing online knows the importance of social media metrics. These metrics help you collect relevant data and tweak your strategy accordingly. However, the success of your social media metrics will depend on your goals. 

Collect valuable data and analyze it for information. Check who is connecting with your brand online and their favorite part. What are they enjoying the most on your page? Use this data to improve what you post on your site and divide your resources.

With the analytics data continuously feeding back into your strategy, you will be one step closer to success. Beyond the complex data you collect from analytics tools, you can also use customer feedback as a source of insight.

The next time you have a one-on-one interaction with your customers, ask them about their opinion on your page. What do they think about your posts? Do they like the information you post on your page? What can you do to improve?

Your social media presence is more than just posting images, product descriptions, and informative content. You could be doing something wrong that repels customers. Use this feedback to improve your social media marketing strategy and boost your sales.

Use Social Media Platforms That Bring Out the Authenticity of Your Brand

Selling on social media is designed to be easy, straightforward, and uncomplicated. However, social selling can also be a double-edged sword, especially if you choose the wrong platform. There is a very slim chance that all social media platforms are suitable for your business.

Additionally, you will likely lose track of some pages as it’s quite challenging to keep up with high-quality content on numerous channels unless you have an unlimited budget. Avoid the temptation of posting too much content on every platform.

Take some time and think about the platforms, dial into your target customer’s interest, and which pages they are engaging with. Choose the platforms that best bring out your brand’s authenticity. You can settle for three or fewer platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Another major mistake that brands make is sharing the same content on their social media pages. Ensure you share different content on different platforms based on who you’re targeting on the platform. For instance, you can post family-friendly content on Facebook while tapping into current trends on TikTok to target a much younger generation.

While both these sites are great for marketing, they have two different types of people. Customize your content based on your target audience and the social platform you’re using.

Are You Ready to Increase Your Social Media Engagement?

Social media is an excellent place for customers and sellers to connect and get the products they want. As a seller, you should take advantage of the benefits of social selling to increase revenue, build a global audience, and connect with your sellers. However, improving your social media engagement with so many platforms and sales tactics popping out every few months is pretty challenging.

Fortunately, our tips above can guide you on increasing your engagement while building a brand voice.

Are you looking for a reputable digital marketing agency to help you maximize your marketing efforts? Look no further; contact us today, and we will help you get profitable results from your online marketing efforts.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
