Knowledge Base for Solo Business Owner
I am going to share with you my favorite blog posts this week. Each post offers something I think is important to remember or to learn for the solo business owner.

Chris Brogan tells this story so well…

When time gets tight, we stop calling our friends. When our work gets busy, we stop doing those things that please us. When the world gets hectic, we shut big chunks of it out at a time. When our energy drops, so goes our courtesy.
And yet. Keep reading

Solo Business Owners Learn How to Use Linkedin

This week I obtained a new client because of my activities on Linkedin. Hubspot wrote a great post about the worst ways to use Linkedin. Are you doing any of these?
LinkedIn is a powerful social network to connect with industry professionals, especially for B2B. People use LinkedIn to connect with coworkers and industry peers, get business advice, and even find new jobs. It’s a great place for businesses to make relevant LinkedIn users aware of their brand. However, just like Facebook and Twitter, there are several common mistakes that companies make on LinkedIn.
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Solo Business Owners Must Be Blogging

Peter Crawfurd’s article on The Huffington Post shared how three blogs made their rise to the top.  You could become one of the elite solo business owners with a well followed blog.
Out of the millions of blogs on the web, only a small group have thousands of loyal followers. Take a look behind the scenes of three successful bloggers as I ask them about their journey and how they got such a dedicated following.
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Solo Business Owners This is a Great Resource

Certainly you know the Copyblogger, great content. They are launching a radio program that you will want to follow and listen to.  Great format for the solo business owner to learn new and cutting edge marketing strategies.
Introducing Internet Marketing for Smart People Radio.  After years of saying we’re going to do it, we’re doing it — a Copyblogger weekly podcast (that we won’t be calling a podcast). It’s Internet Marketing for Smart People Radio, and it’s designed to help tie together the things we talk about on Copyblogger into a coherent strategy you can use to build your business with online marketing.
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I know how much solo business owners have on their plate.  And a full plate doesn’t always give room to find the best content and resources.  I hope this summary of some of the best I have read this week can serve you in your business helping you to become the best solo business owner possible.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
