And They Must Like It….
In today’s economy the competition is fierce requiring you to bring our A game in everything you do. Your website is no different.
Your website must speak to your target market? That darn target market comes up in all of your marketing efforts, which is why it is so important to be very clear, about whom they are. When visitors land on your website, do they get that you understand their problems and have the solution?
It is important that your website connect with your ideal client not only with the words you use but also with the visuals on your site. Many times if it is not appealing visually they will not stay around long enough to read your copy. However, if they do stick around you have only seconds to get them engaged with you.
Let’s evaluate your website objectives. Why do you have a site? What do you want your visitors to do once they show up?
Like all successful marketing efforts, you must develop a clearly defined goal for your Website and must have an understanding of your online target market. What do you hope your Web site will accomplish?
Does it . . .
• Become a living brochure?
• Replace your print media kit?
• Create a revenue stream?
• Serve as the tool to build your list?
• Support other marketing activities by providing a professional online presence?
Effective copy with involve your visitors and reflect your brand. What is it that you want visitors to think about your brand when they find you? The key to develop the relationship between your target market and your brand is to provide relevant content.
Knowing what action you want your target market to take your content should logically and thoughtfully lead them to important points and encourage them to take action throughout the site.
Some of these tips may help…
• Fresh and updated content will have visitors wanting to return.
• Keep copy brief and to the point.
• Remember your objectives and include appropriate calls to action. Phrases such as “Call us,” “Mark this page as your browser home page,” “Sign up for our newsletter” and “Limited time offer” will prompt visitors to take action.
• Always provide value: tips and advice. Please don’t be fearful about giving away your knowledge for nothing, offering solutions reinforces your expertise and inspires them to work with you. The more value you offer on your site, the more often they will return.
Handle your Web site just as you would any marketing strategy. Be consist and focused on your results adjusting your strategy when needed.
(If you listen to the podcast you will want this link

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
