As business owners, we all have a story to tell. Why we are in business, what it means to us and what experience we want to deliver for our clients or customers?
Very often, we get caught up in the notion that we must be good marketers and we head down that path of marketing language. In reality, if we would become good storytellers we would naturally attract our ideal clients. Marketing talk feels like we are being sold to. Story telling gives us insight into the other person and helps us to resonate with them. I also believe we learn best from the stories.
So how do we become good storytellers? I was watching a video that referenced what a great storyteller Steve Jobs is. It pointed out that there is always an antagonist and a hero in every great story and Steve Jobs is a master at telling them.
This video emphasizes the need to be a great story teller.

Our lives are a series of stories woven together–our own stories and the stories of those around us. Great leaders in religion, politics and business understand this and many of them are great storytellers. Jesus spoke in parables.  And the books of the Old Testament, is not a boring list of rules we must follow but a series of lessons and commandments intertwined with the stories of lives.
We are not inspired by reason alone. Compelling stories convey loads of information while appealing to our emotions, ensuring that we not only listen, but get engaged and inspired. Isn’t that what we want to do engage and inspire our followers?
So how do you discover and tell your story? Here are a few tips…
Present a story well: Presentation is more than just recounting a series of events or retelling a story you’ve heard. It involves careful attention to details, proper use of body language and tone, and attention to verbiage.
Be consistent: Once you have determined what you story truly is, tell it repeatedly. Use every platform available to tell the story because we all learn differently. This will allow you to engage your target market regardless where they hang out.

Love, Care and Respect:
You must love the story you are telling, be passionate and share the tough spots and the easy spots. You must care about the story and respect the audience. Protect its integrity. Be certain what are you attempting to pass on to the audience and how is it relevant to them?
When we become good storytellers we engage with our audience and we attract the right audience to us. Happy storytelling!
Previous post: Storytelling helps Solopreneurs Sell
Need help with your story? Learn how to tell your story here.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
