Live streaming on social media is quickly becoming the next big thing for businesses of all sizes. As a way to personally connect with your fans and followers on that particular social media network, live streaming allows you to answer questions, share insights and give your audience an inside look at the way your business is run.
But many small businesses struggle to see how live streaming on social media, particularly Facebook Live, can help them boost business and attract new customers. If you’re considering adding Facebook Live into your social media strategy but you’re not quite sure what to do during your live stream, here are a few ideas you may want to consider.

1. Conduct a Q&A

If you’re frequently getting questions that you’re not sure how to answer, doing a live Q&A can be one of the best ways to address a number of questions quickly and easily. There are many different ways to conduct the Q&A.
First, you can decide if you would like to collect questions ahead of time or if you would like to answer them as they come in. Because you are able to see comments on your live stream, you can answer questions as they come to you. For planning purposes, collecting questions ahead of time is recommended at first. Once you become comfortable with the platforms and the questions your audience may ask, then you may want to consider switching to taking questions as they come.
You may also decide that you’d like to do topic-specific Q&A sessions. Breaking down the Q&A sessions by topic will allow you to host many different sessions but also give you the opportunity to answer deeper and more difficult questions your audience may have.

2. Sneak Peek New Products

Reward loyal followers by giving them a sneak peek of products you’re working on. Using your Facebook Live tool, you can show your customers what is in store for them down the road.
Using Facebook Live to tease your products can also give you an opportunity to get feedback before something is finished. If you’re not getting positive responses during your Facebook Live session, you can make the necessary adjustments to make the product better fit what your audience is looking for.
You’ll want to properly promote these teaser videos so that you can build anticipation around your new live video.

3. Share an Inside Perspective

Each Facebook Live video you post doesn’t need to have a product or service that you’re trying to sell. Sometimes a small business can benefit from Facebook Live just by showing an inside look at the office, store or customers.
Popping on Facebook Live for a few minutes a couple times a week can help your audience feel like they’re a part of your company. You may choose to share some inspirational knowledge from the CEO, a glimpse inside a meeting or typical day at the office, or even an event or celebration you’re hosting – even something as simple as a work anniversary or birthday party in the office.
Using Facebook Live this way allows you to establish trust with your followers. Instead of acting like a rigid business, showing your followers what your brand is really like can make them want to do business with you even more.

4. Host a Mini-Tutorial

Facebook Live also provides you with an excellent platform for showing customers, fans and followers how to use a product or service. Depending on what industry you’re in, you can even use Facebook Live to present a small webinar.
Facebook Live serves the same purpose of using video to promote a product or service but it allows you to make a stronger connection with your audience. Through showing them exactly how a product is used or giving them an unfiltered explanation of your services, your audience can feel like you’re talking directly to them – not like they’re watching a commercial or other highly-edited version of content.
Mini-tutorials or introductions to webinars can also be great ways to tease a larger demonstration or class. If your CEO will be presenting somewhere or you’ll be showing off your products at an event, doing a Facebook live video beforehand could increase the number of people who show up to see the action in real life.

5. Share Your Views and Opinions

If there is recent news that will affect your business or industry, hoping on Facebook Live to share your thoughts could be a great idea to keep your audience informed and educated about the latest things that are happening. If you’re going to consider this style of video, you’ll want to properly prepare what you’re going to say beforehand and potentially run it past a PR specialist.
Some industries will have a better time sharing opinion videos than others, but if it fits with your brand, feel free to give it a try. Talking directly to your audience about how you feel about certain topics or points of interest can increase your credibility and make you seem more trustworthy.
Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean you need to hop on Facebook Live to talk about every political statement or other personal matters. If it doesn’t affect your brand or your industry, it is usually best to avoid the topic. Be choosey about the topics you decide to comment on.
What works for one small business on Facebook Live may not work for another. The trick to being successful with live streaming on social media is to listen to what your audience is looking for and give it to them. Until you find the right style video for your followers, play with some different kinds. Once you find something that stands out, continue to make adjustments until you find the perfect way to connect with your Facebook friends.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
