We all face disappointments in our businesses. The key is to have a plan that you develop in advance of needing it. A recovery plan will help you to pull out quickly. Give yourself 24 hours to brood and then get back at it.


There will absolutely be roadblocks along the way—accept that as the truth. What I am certain of is that the first time you attempt something, it is not going to work the way you envisioned. The second time it will not work the way you envisioned. The third time you may have some level of success. The key is to take the feedback you receive and learn from it. The determination to not be mediocre is critical. The mediocre give up on attempt one or two. The successful are resilient and continue to examine the feedback and make adjustments until they develop a model that works.

With that being said, it doesn’t mean the successful don’t feel like quitting at times. The solo road can be tough. To leverage, your action sometimes means you must revisit your decision and your belief in that decision. I will refer to this as your recovery plan, which will be valuable when you don’t get the results you expected after a lot of effort and time. As with most things, to be the most effective you must be prepared. That means you must also be prepared for failure or setbacks. Failure is just one step to success, so don’t let the word itself impact your actions.

If in the beginning, you create a recovery plan for when you feel like pulling the covers over your head, you will have the tools to help you recover in a short amount of time rather than weeks down the road. When you are in a place of funk it is impossible to create a plan to get out of the funk.

Here is how you can be prepared.

The Musts for a Powerful, Effective Recovery Plan

You must have a vision that stirs your soul.

You must become excellent at it.

You must recondition your mind to believe you can have it and achieve it.

You must understand how to make money at it.

You must take daily action.

One of the tools to assist with your recovery plan is neural reconditioning.

6 Steps of Neural Reconditioning

Step 1: Create a new vision for your business and life. Make it emotionally charged and crystal clear.

You have created your vision and now you must use repetition to create a habit.

Repetition + Emotional Impact = New Reality

Create a belief narrative, written in the present tense, expressing what you are creating in minute detail and with emotion—a story of sorts of your journey and success. Continue to read your belief narrative daily.

Step 2: Create powerful declarations and affirmations that support your new vision.

Write as many affirmations as you can to support your vision. Make it easy for yourself to access them. Use index cards, self-adhesive notes, or place them all on one sheet—whatever works for you. Here are some sample affirmations:

I live each day with passion and purpose.

I am a success in all that I do.

I am a powerful sales and marketing expert.

I am totally confident.

Everything and everyone prospers me now.

Step 3: Develop emotional anchors for neural linking.

First, search your memory banks for a positive event in your life that was especially empowering—a moment where you felt a thrill of accomplishment, excitement, or triumph. What you are looking for is an existing neural pattern in your brain that has some “stickiness,” that is, some strong depth of feeling to which a thought can adhere.

Write down a few sentences that identify this event, so you can return to that event quickly and easily later on.

Now close your eyes and let yourself re-experience that event for a few moments.

Examine what you’re seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, and experiencing.

When you are finished, write down a few of the impressions you had; these don’t need to be complete sentences, just words or phrases that will remind you of the feelings this experience evokes.

Now select one of your affirmations. Close your eyes again and let yourself re-experience that powerful memory, evoking all of the sensory impressions, feelings, and emotions involved. While you are at the height of that feeling, repeat your new affirmation, out loud or in your mind.

Step 4: Prepare a portfolio of imprinting material, which may include written, auditory, visual, and subliminal pieces.

Visualization is not always visual; for you it may be specific sounds, tactile feelings, or even smells that can evoke the moment you want to create more powerfully.

Put together your imprinting materials. These are simply physical expressions of your vision and affirmations that you can feed to your nonconscious brain through your senses. The most common examples are:

Written statements

Audio recordings

Subliminal media


Pictures and vision boards (dream boards)

Step 5: Maintain a brief daily routine of reconditioning techniques, three times a day, preferably morning, afternoon, and evening. If you cannot keep up with three times a day, make sure you are maintaining this routine at least twice daily.

Meditation can be a powerful tool to use. Or you can simply close your eyes and breathe slowly for a few minutes. This can increase your focus, concentration, and powers of observation.

Step 6: Take advantage of various forms of neuro-technology to reinforce these images throughout the day.

Technology makes it easy to use wonderful tools such as an audio of your affirmations that you can create and then playback while you exercise. Recording and replaying your belief narrative could also be an excellent tool. Meditation, visualization, affirmations, and subliminal tapes/audios and video are all essential tools to keep in your toolbox. Pull them out throughout your day, as they are practical and available.


Take inventory of everything you have accomplished in your life. Write it down.

I also challenge you to create a list of your personal strengths. Write down everything that you do well. I encourage you to add to this list daily until you have at least one hundred things listed.

These two items can become part of your Recovery Plan. A recovery plan is the tools you have at your fingertips to help you pull yourself out of a slump.

Examples may include:


Cards or personal notes you have received

A list of people who are your fans and who you can call for reinforcement

Contact information for your favorite clients

A list of your strengths and accomplishments

Collect the information you want to include in your recovery plan, and put the items in a place where they will be easy to access. Be deliberate about pulling yourself out of your slump.


About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
