Implementing a step by step marketing plan will relieve stress and make that part of your business easy and fun. Think about the stress that will go away when there is no guessing about what marketing activities guide your profits. Freeing you up to spend more time on other important areas in your business.
Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Measuring
Once you have implemented your marketing plan, you need to measure the results. Where did you have success? What could use some improvement? Including is there an opportunity to add a new strategy or to omit one that you didn’t enjoy. If you are not enjoying the process most likely, you will not be consistent with it and therefore ineffective. The success of measuring, fine-tuning and continuing what works is where the results happen in marketing! Think about that for just a moment, and let it sink in. It is critical to have a step-by-step system, you can measure, fine-tune and repeat!
Spend Less Time
One of the reasons that new franchises are more successful than other new businesses is all of their systems are created for them. They dramatically reduce the amount of time they spend thinking about and stressing about all of the systems in their business, including their marketing. Once you have your established your system for marketing it becomes easy and takes a lot less time to implement. A well thought out marketing plan will remove the need to continue spending time to create and execute new strategies.
Maintain a Consistent Flow of Prospects
An effective Marketing (Plan) System will allow you to create a steady stream of prospects with as little effort as possible. Once you know the results your activities bring they can virtually be duplicated at will. Think of it like this: You know it takes 30 prospects to create 6 sales conversations which equals 2 new clients. Now if you know that your active strategy generates 15 prospects, you now know you will need to implement that strategy twice to capture 2 new clients. Knowing you have an effective system will make your business easy, fun and profitable. Get planning!
If you are interested in an automated system to stay on top of your marketing efforts visit

What is stopping you from generating the profits you desire?  I am offering a 40 minute complimentary consultation to my blog readers through the end of August.  If you would like to explore what is in your way simply send me an email with a couple of days and times that work for you.  Don’t forget your time zone.  email:

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
