You Could Get More Than $1500

Worth of Coaching and Products From Me

Keep Reading to Discover How…

Ask yourself, “If every major obstacle in my business suddenly vanished — right now, today — what would my life be like in a month? In two months? On New Year’s Day, 2010?
“How many new customers would I have? How many more sales would I be making every day? How much more could I pay myself?
“How much more fun would it be to go to work each morning and preside over a company that is bursting at the seams … that’s living up to its potential … and that is making me richer than I ever thought possible?
“What would I do … what would I buy … where would I go to celebrate my success? What would my new home look like? What car would I be driving? What would my next family vacation be like? How would it feel to see so much money piling up in my shopping cart every day, I’d never have to worry about money ever again?”
Because when you think about it, removing obstacles isn’t just about eliminating the frustrating problems you wrestle with every day. It’s not just about spending less time at work and more time with your family.
It’s about breaking through to the next level … making your mark on your entire industry … and guaranteeing yourself and your family all the riches that flow from that kind of success.
Once I help my clients identify and eliminate the constraints obstacles that are blocking their success, their business is instantly transformed and their life permanently altered for the better.
Then we tackle their sales process and marketing strategies. Helping them to implement consistent marketing strategies that provide a constant flow of prospects to their pipeline. And creating their own personal sales process that allows them to close more and more of those prospects with much less effort and in a very non-threatening manner. I typically hear a huge PHEW sigh of relief when they learn that sales does not have to be pushy or scary.
I want to help you achieve all that you want and deserve for your business and life. You must be committed to take the action and follow my simple step by step system to grow your business.
So, to help you connect with the radical ways your life will change once we identify and eliminate the obstacles in your business, we’re going to have a contest.
Click in the center of video to play….
And to really get your juices flowing, the winner’s going to get:
A full ride scholarship to my upcoming coaching program – where we’ll work together three times a month for 75-90 mins for 12 months. Together we’ll obliterate one business debilitating obstacle after another. The result will be a relaxed business owner who has systems in place, taking time off when they wish, and knowing exactly what to do to create the income they desire.

1. Read my report 7 Mistakes Solopreneurs Make and How to Avoid Them

2. Leave Your Comment Below and Answer These Three Questions

1. What is your biggest obstacle in your business?

2. Have you made or are you making any of the 7 Mistakes?

3. What is your biggest Marketing Challenge?

I’ll even give you some clues to what the winning posts will contain. First, they probably won’t contain sob stories. I don’t want to be mean, but frankly, my coaching programs are not about obsessing over your challenges and obstacles to success. It’s about exploding through them with a “Nothing-can-stand-in my way” attitude and the tools that make your success inevitable.
Instead, the winning entries will demonstrate – as specifically as possible – What your single greatest obstacle is right now… What would your life be like without these constraints … The benefits you will enjoy when these constraints are removed.
The person who understands the most how important removing their obstacles and creating consistent marketing systems, and how miraculous it will be when the obstacles are removed making their marketing effortless, will be the winner. Here is the good news even if you don’t win the scholarship just for posting here you will be entitled to a discount to the group that will begin Tuesday, May 5th at 2:30 pm est. The group will meet the first three Tuesdays of each month.
Then we will turn that into phenomenal business growth in the year ahead.
On Thursday, April 30th at 10PM EST – I’ll announce winner right here on this page. Make sure you use your right email address so we can get in touch with you.

So what are you waiting for?

Give me your answers now!

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
