Embarking on a journey as a new business coach can be both exciting and challenging. To help you navigate the complexities of building a successful coaching practice, we’ve compiled a list of top authors whose books offer invaluable insights and strategies. These authors have written some of the most recommended books that can equip you with the knowledge to attract clients, empower them, and grow your coaching business.

1. Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin
*The Prosperous Coach* offers practical strategies for attracting high-paying clients and building a thriving coaching business. If you’re looking to establish a sustainable practice, this book is a must-read.Buy The Prosperous Coach.

2. Michael E. Gerber
In *The E-Myth Revisited*, Gerber explains common pitfalls that small business owners face and how coaches can help their clients avoid these mistakes. This book is a foundational read for any coach working with entrepreneurs. Buy The E-Myth Revisited.

3. Michael Bungay Stanier
*The Coaching Habit* teaches seven essential coaching questions that can significantly enhance your coaching effectiveness. It’s a quick and practical read for coaches looking to refine their skills. Buy The Coaching Habit.

4. Amanda Cook
For those in the wellness coaching niche, *Wellpreneur* provides actionable steps to find clients online and grow your business. This book is especially helpful for coaches focusing on health and wellness.Buy Wellpreneur.

5. Megan Jo Wilson
*Who The F*ck Am I To Be A Coach?!* tackles the self-doubt that many new coaches face. Wilson’s book is an empowering read that helps coaches overcome their inner critic and step confidently into their roles. Buy Who The Fck Am I To Be A Coach?!*.

6. Greg McKeown
In *Essentialism*, McKeown emphasizes the importance of focusing on what truly matters, a lesson that can be transformative for both coaches and their clients. Buy Essentialism.

 7. Michael Port
*Book Yourself Solid* provides a comprehensive system for self-promotion and client acquisition, tailored specifically for coaches.Buy Book Yourself Solid.

8. Henry Cloud
*Boundaries for Leaders* explores how setting effective boundaries can lead to better performance. This book is crucial for coaches looking to improve their leadership coaching skills. Buy Boundaries for Leaders.

9. Ed Mylett
*The Power of One More* shares strategies for achieving personal and professional success, drawing on Mylett’s extensive coaching experience. Buy The Power of One More.

10. Brett Bartholomew
*Conscious Coaching* focuses on building trust and effective communication in coaching relationships. It’s a valuable read for coaches aiming to deepen their client connections. Buy Conscious Coaching.

 11. Tim Ferriss
*The 4-Hour Workweek* provides insights into productivity and lifestyle design, offering highly relevant lessons for coaches and their clients. Buy The 4-Hour Workweek.

12. Daniel Pink
In *Drive*, Pink explores what truly motivates people—a key concept for coaches who want to inspire lasting change in their clients. Buy Drive.

13. John Maxwell
Maxwell’s extensive work on leadership and personal growth is invaluable for coaches. His books offer beneficial principles for guiding clients through their development journeys. Buy John Maxwell’s Books.

14. Napoleon Hill
*Think and Grow Rich* is a classic that teaches the mindset necessary for success. This book remains a timeless resource for coaches and their clients alike. Buy Think and Grow Rich.

15. Mike Michalowicz 
*Profit First* introduces financial management strategies crucial for running a sustainable coaching business. Buy Profit First.

16. Maxwell Maltz
*Psycho-Cybernetics* delves into self-image and personal development, themes that are essential for both coaches and their clients. Buy Psycho-Cybernetics.

17. Laura Whitworth et al.
*Co-Active Coaching* outlines a comprehensive framework for effective coaching conversations, making it a cornerstone read for any serious coach .Buy Co-Active Coaching.

18. Sai Blackbyrn
Known for his practical advice on establishing a coaching business online, Sai Blackbyrn offers insights that can help new coaches thrive in the digital space. Buy Sai Blackbyrn’s Books.

19. Simon Sinek
In *Start With Why*, Sinek’s exploration of leadership and purpose can guide coaches in helping their clients discover their core motivations. Buy Start With Why.

20. Tasha Eurich
*Insight* dives into the importance of self-awareness, a critical skill for both coaches and their clients to develop. Buy Insight.

**Bonus: Donna Amos**
*Best Damn Marketing Tool Ever* by Donna Amos offers invaluable marketing strategies tailored specifically for coaches looking to expand their reach and attract more clients. This book is a perfect addition to your coaching library. Buy Best Damn Marketing Tool Ever.

These authors provide a wealth of knowledge that can help you establish your coaching practice and effectively support your clients on their journey to success.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
