Defensibly, the internet remains a significant part of marketing for solopreneurs worldwide and your website is the foundation of that marketing. Try imagining a small business trying to rise above the competition, increasing sales, and growing the business without using digital marketing? It must be challenging and fruitless. Arguably, a significant percentage of consumers make purchase decisions based on search results.

Therefore, there is a higher need for individuals to improve the solopreneurs-website and enhance visibility on search engine results. Primarily, the purpose of a good-website is to inform users about your products capture them and turn them into prospects. Thus, solopreneurs should focus on establishing a quality-website that is well-designed, optimized for mobile and voice, easy to use, and has quality content.

10 Steps to Improve your Website

#1 Website-Design

Indeed, the website reflects your solo business, products, and services, and thus, you must create a professional, polished, and visually appealing one. Ideally, a professional-website is determined by the quality of the content. Unfortunately, slow and less functional pages destroy the first users’ experience leading to frustration which motivates users to leave your page for a more professional page.

Therefore, allow for uncluttered layouts, white space, and lay a clear message. As a solopreneur, ensure you use quality content, video, and images. Also, your web page must load quickly, have readable content, and easy to navigate.

#2 Use clear calls-to-action

People tend to be lazy, and you must stimulate them for action. Otherwise, if you ask nothing of the users, they will not do anything, which beats its purpose. Thus, it would help if you guided users to places on the page that helps in nurturing them to conversion. Calls-to-action implemented must be clear to direct the user to the right place effortlessly.

Arguably, placing the calls-to-action in strategic positions such as the bottom of the web page or top right is an effective way of improving your-website. But, more importantly, focus on providing relevant information that a user is looking for, and in return, the user will be more confident and comfortable researching your products and services. This will therefore enhance the likeliness of conversion. Thus, include a call-to-action on every page.

#3 Optimize for mobile

Arguably, a significant number of individuals searching about products and services do so from a mobile device. Besides, the users searching from mobile devices have higher purchase intent, especially for the local audience. Therefore, if your- website are not mobile-friendly, they will be challenging for a user to discover you, and even when they find out about your business, it won’t be easy to read and navigate.

Using readable fonts and ensuring your page loads in less than 5 seconds are the basics of mobile optimization. Also, you need to ensure the page content fits on a mobile screen without the need to zoom. If a page loads faster and has readable content on a mobile device, it will make navigation faster, enhancing the customers’ experience.

#4 Focus on SEO

SEO is one of the most effective strategies in digital marketing. Through SEO, you increase visibility, drive more traffic, build trust and authority but, more importantly, increase sales. If you desire to succeed in your business and overcome competition, you should rank highly in search results. Debatably, people perceive top-ranked businesses as trustworthy and authoritative and hence, feel more comfortable shopping with them. Note, SEO can be effective for a global and a local audience, and you must optimize for both.

The following tips will help establish a strong SEO;

  • Creating a Google My Business Listing provides users with essential details that will help them decide if you are the correct entity.
  • Use of the correct keywords in headings, Meta description, title tags, and URL. Keywords make finding the right content more manageable.
  • Optimizing for voice and mobile to accommodate all users and making it easy to discover you.
  • Relevant link building and using various online directories to help in driving more traffic to your-website.
  • Encouraging online reviews from customers and managing the reviews.

#5 Make use of Backlinks

A backlink can be described as a reference that connects a user from one page to another relevant site. Debatably, they can either be in the form of anchor text or a website-URL. Ideally, backlinks make your business popular in a search engine, enhancing authority and trust.

Benefits of using backlinks include increased traffic, enhanced ease and speed of indexing, and establishing organic SEO ranking. Arguably, a strong organic ranking makes people find your business quickly, even after skipping results in the first pages of search engines. The best way to build off-page links is by volunteering to write blog content for other individuals or sponsoring events to refer to your-website in blog content.

#6 Quality Content

Your content must be engineered to attract and capture the attention of the targeted audience. This will only happen if the information in your blog post is relatable to users. Arguably, quality blog content includes the right keywords and recent news that users might be interested in knowing.

Hence, your blogs should include updated content that will make sense to users. Remember, individuals possess a short attention span and will be frustrated if you use complicated words or irrelevant content. Therefore, it is necessary to take some blogging lessons to deliver engaging, accurate, and relevant content to users, encouraging traffic.

#7 Utilize Social Media sites

Besides search engines, you should also enhance your presence on social media sites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and TikTok. Ideally, you will share your content like blogs, infographics, and videos on the sites. Sharing content on sites with your potential clients will increase visibility.

In addition, friends and users can share your content with their friends and online users on different sites. The benefits of using social media in digital marketing are increasing traffic and encouraging reviews. In addition, you will be able to manage reviews on social sites by responding to users, enhancing SEO.

#8 Use Up-to-date Information and be Consistent

The name of your solo business, address, and other contact information should all be correct. Also, it should be consistent on all sites and should be updated if there are any changes. For example, if you aim to increase sales locally, operating hours are vital details to include. It makes it easier for users to access you, engage or locate you. Another factor that would hinder visitors from your site is using outdated content—updating information helps Google to index your business efficiently, which increases visibility on search results. Sharing correct information also helps in establishing trust and authority.

#9 Structure your Content Strategically

Do not limit the information on a page as long as it is relevant to your audience. If you are worried about users failing to read, use sections to allow users to scroll on the page. Sections are helpful as they direct users to the vital areas on the-website. You can use subheadings or subtopics to highlight the content. A well-structured page should show reviews and calls to action at the end.

#10 Use Web Data to Follow-up on Users

You can collect data from your-website to learn more about your users besides marketing. Email marketing is very valuable to solopreneurs. When users visit your site, they are going to leave vital contact information such as email. Thus, you can quickly build an email subscriber list. The emails are quality leads you can follow to create awareness, educate and persuade them to purchase.

Email marketing is an effective way of digital marketing. It is helpful in various ways, including; updating customers about new features, targeting a new customer, or reaching out to old dormant customers. Using emails is an effective way of establishing trust between you and the customer. Additionally, you will develop healthy relationships with users and demand loyalty.

In conclusion, succeeding in a solopreneur-business is knowing what your competitor is doing or not doing and doing it better. Therefore, more focus should be on the solopreneurs-website to enhance SEO and increase reviews. If your solopreneur site is popular on social sites and search engines, more traffic will be visiting your-website, and the sales will increase. Do not be skeptical about digital marketing as it is beneficial for small businesses. Advantageously, most of the above steps are free and very effective such as SEO. Thus, improve the performance of your business, user experience, and conversion rates by implementing the above steps.


About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
